
Meeting Preparation Time Schedule and DED Botanical Sumsel

On Thursday, 8Mei 2014 at 15:30 pm s / d completed Meeting Room Assistant Selatan.Pemerintah IISetda Sumatra South Sumatra through the Agency for Research and Innovation Development of South Sumatra Province has conducted meetings and discussions about Meeting Preparation Time Schedule and DED Garden South RayaSumatera. The meeting was chaired by Assistant for Economic Affairs, Finance, and Development of South Sumatra Province, Ir. Ruslan H. Bahri, MT was accompanied by the Head of Research and Innovation Development of South Sumatra Province, DR. Ekowati Retnaningsih, SKM., Kes. Participants who are present at this meeting were Chief Balitbangnovda South Sumatra Province, Plt. Head of Department of Irrigation Works South Sumatra, South Sumatra KehutananProvinsi Department, Pu Human Settlements, Public Highways, Bappeda South Sumatra Province, Bureau of Financial Management and Public Asset (BPKAD), Bureau of Legal Secretariat of South Sumatra Province, and resource assessment field staff main Balitbangnovda South Sumatra Province.

The meeting was opened by Mr. Assistant for Economic Affairs, Finance and Regional Development South Sumatra (Mr. Ir. H. Ruslan Bahri, MT), the meeting focused on the preparation of DED Development Time Schedule and Botanical Gardens South Sumatra.

Time Schedule Construction of the Botanical Garden in South Sumatra are listed in the master plan involving state funds, the budget, Partners, which has been divided in the matrix years 2015 through to implementation in 2019:

In 2015, physical development priorities will be implemented are: the gate, the office manager, home paranet, nursery land, grass, thematic collection of medicinal plants, plant collections wetlands, ponds, retaining wall, artificial island, mosque, toilets, guard posts, boulevard, boundary fencing, infrastructure jobs, secondary roads, trails, an extensive network of water, electricity, telecommunications, trash, and pal collection name.

Proposed construction of a botanical garden through the state budget devoted to the Director General of the Directorate of Urban Spatial can not be funded because of the Directorate of Urban, appropriate funding authority Botanical Gardens in the city.

To finance the construction of a botanical garden non-urban areas such as the Botanical Gardens located in the district of South Sumatra can be submitted to the Director General of Spatial Planning but other directorates who has the authority to establish non-urban regions such as the Directorate of Special ONE BINDA for lakes / ponds may be proposed by the Minister of Public Works Cq. Director General of Water Management.

Furthermore, the Action Plan will be developed in more detail per month.


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