
Botanical gardens are part of the wealth of Nations is the Centre of Knowledge of Botany, conservation areas, the area of education and research, as well as a means of outdoor recreation. Throughout the world there are currently around 2,000 botanical gardens, while in Indonesia now have 7 new botanical gardens, namely: Four botanical gardens maintained by the Indonesia Institute of Science (LIPI), namely:

  • The Bogor botanical gardens (established 1817 in West Java province)
  • Cibodas Botanical Garden (founded 1852 in Cianjur of West Java province)
  • Purwodadi Botanic Garden (founded 1941 in Pasuruan Regency of East Java province)
  • Eka Karya Bali Botanical Garden (founded 1959 in Bali province) three botanical garden under the management of local governments, namely:

Cider Hill Botanical Garden (founded 1999), in Jambi province

  • Botanical Garden (founded 2004) Baturaden in Central Java province
  • Botanical Garden (founded 2005) in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan province

The fact that the State of the soil, the climate, the vegetation composition and diversity of an area different from the other areas, then every botanical gardens in Indonesia also has the character and potential of different realms, each of which has its own appeal.

Botanical Garden based on presidential Regulation number 93 in 2011 is a plant conservation area was ex-situ plant collection that has documented and organized based on pattern classification taxonomy, bioregion, thematic, or combinations of these patterns for the purpose of conservation activities, research, education, tourism and environmental services.

The construction of the botanical gardens in the provinces throughout Indonesia in canangkan by the Government as in the direction of the President of the REPUBLIC on National Technology Awakening Day commemoration on 11 August 2004 in Serpong, Puspitek and has been followed up with a letter to the Minister of research and technology number 77/CE/VIII/2004 of 23 August 2004 to all governor

The purpose and objective intent from the activities of the preparation of / review the master plan this is more concrete, the achievement of a guide who more detailed and more unmeasured in the development of botanical garden south sumatra in the period from 15-20 years the purpose of activity drafting / review the master plan this is as a guideline in the development of botanical garden south sumatra and would be obtained guidelines in the development of a comprehensive and integrated.The targets are expected from the master plan this is concrete, the achievement of a guide who details and more unmeasured in the construction of the botanical gardens south sumatra to the period of 15-20 years ahead.

Understanding botanical gardens

the botanical gardens ( botanical garden ) a place where plants grown and demonstrate especially for the purposes of science and education. Botanical garden herbs having collection in the open and in glass houses, there is also a collection of dried plants or herbarium, and learning, there is room facilities laboratories, the library. Museums, and plants experiment ( encyclopedia encarta ).

Planting plants in a botanical garden pengolongan arranged according to in, the science of botany as an arrangement according to systematic herbs ( categorization, bryophyte ) ecological ), the environment ( relationship or geography ( their origin ).garden britain large often, covering specific grouping as taman rocks ( rock garden ) garden water the garden wildflower and others.Limited garden for woody herbs woods called arboretum.


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