Technical Meeting of Development Cooperation Botanical Gardens South Sumatra
On Thursday, January 16th, 2014 at 14:00 hrs s / d finished at Meeting Room Build Praja South Sumatra Province, South Sumatra Provincial Government, through its Research and Innovation Development of South Sumatra Province has implemented a meeting and a discussion of the Technical Meeting of the Botanical Gardens Development Cooperation South Sumatra. Meetings were led directly by the Secretary of South Sumatra Province accompanied Administrative Assistant and General and Head of Research and Innovation Development of South Sumatra Province. Participants who attend this meeting came from the Forest Service Partners namely: PT. Coal Bukit Asam, PT. Pertamina EP Prabumulih Asset 2, PT. Conoco Phillips Grisik LTD, PT. West Benakat Petroleum Prabumulih, PT. Dwinad Nusa Sejahtera, PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy, PT. JOB Pertamina Talisman, PT. SBA Industrial Wood, PT. Sentosa Happy Together, and PT. Bumi Persada Permai. While meeting participants who came from South Sumatra Province SKPD namely: Body Research Development and Innovation, Province of South Sumatra, South Sumatra Province Forest Service, Pu Cipta Karya, PU Bina Marga, PU Irrigation South Sumatera, South Sumatera Province Gardening Service, Department of Mines and Energy, and Bappeda South Sumatera Province,
Display closely preceded by development of the Botanical Gardens of South Sumatra by the Head of Research and Innovation Development of South Sumatra Province. In view of the described background botanical garden development, the expansion, philosophical, location, condition eksisting, the concept of the master plan and the master plan elaborated in detail along with 13 legendary estimated costs. It is hoped that the present company can participate in its development.
Ask and answer discussion led by Secretary District South Sumatra, during the meeting there were a number of assumptions, among others:
South Sumatra Provincial Secretary menginfokan that meeting is now a follow-up meeting on December 27, 2013, the Governor of South Sumatra leaded. The purpose of today’s meeting is the official partner forestry enterprises have been able to give an overview of which will play a role in the development of the Botanical Gardens Sumsel. This development is expected to be completed in the next five years until the company has a long enough period of time to help. Expected from the total estimated cost of 399 Billion could be exercised jointly from Pemprop Sumsel. Central Government to the Company.
PT. Bukit Asam is fully ready to assist the development of the Botanical Gardens this. By the time the five-year planned development is of ease PT. Acid hill because it can help incrementally. PT. Bukit Asam need an official letter from the Governor of South Sumatra addressed to the Board of Directors Bukit Asam to help the development of the Botanical Gardens.
PT. Conoco Philips Gersik, LTD helpful PT.Conoco will have a role in education legend.
PT. Dwinad Nusa Sejahtera ready to contribute, now the new company will be operational, with the relaxation time of five years PT. DwinaD will participate viewed in 3-5-year period to the next.
PT. West Benakat Petroleum is a company under the same umbrella as any PT Pertamina. Pertamina Geothermal helpful and will coordinate with Pertamina role in determining what can be provided in this development.
PT.Pertamina EP Prabumulih convey that helpful and will coordinate with Pertamina Center. Official letter from the Governor of South Sumatra is required to be forwarded to the Central Office.
PT. SBA Wood Industries together with PT. Bumi Persada, PT. Bumi Andalas representing the Sinar Mas Group is ready to help. Sinar Mas group will participate in thematic zone because Sinar Mas Group already has experience in making Arboretum in Jakabaring Sport Centre.
PT. Sentosa Happy Together menginfokan that their enterprises have permission to use the forest until they offer to do greening Forest Conservation Area or protected forests suitable mechanism occurs.
Administrative Assistant and General recalled that this meeting should have agreed on technical matters and the specific role of each party.
Dinas PU Bina Marga, PU Cipta Karya convey that the Provincial Government will contribute to the completion of the facilities and infrastructure such as roads, water networks, electricity networks. Provincial Government now has a new Master Plan of the Botanical Gardens so expect to enterprises in order to provide assistance at once to organize Engineeringnya Detail Design (DED) that the Provincial Government will receive assistance in the form of finished goods. When asked to DED South Sumatra Provincial Government to organize it will take one year, while the company is ready to help this year. For facilities and infrastructures Dinas Pu will also propose to the Ministry of PU that can also help.
PU Irrigation Department is ready to assist in the development of an artificial lake and canals making but when there are enterprises that participated will be even better.
Conclusion Meetings:
Provincial Government of South Sumatera very appreciate the support of enterprise development Botanical expected all firms can act according to their respective capabilities.
With a time frame of five years is expected to help enterprises can afford per year so it is not incriminating. Provincial Government requested assistance can expect a package from DED to construct the development in the form of inkind.
South Sumatra Governor letter will immediately sorted and delivered to the enterprise and is equipped with a master data plan botanical gardens Sum-Sel.
Technically zone selection / legend has to be agreed upon missive sent from the Governor of South Sumatra.