
The Governor of South Sumatra review the progress development of sriwijaya botanical garden

Palembang – Governor of South Sumatera Province, H. Alex Noerdin attended the Technology Days and the workshop of South Sumatera Province, 2014 with theme “Innovation Creative Industry To Competitiveness Of The Nation” at the Ballroom Hotel Djayakarta Daira, Palembang, Monday, 15th of September 2014. The event attended by Deputy for relevance and productivity, science and technology, Agus Puji prasetyono and attended by Lecturer, university, students, and also society.

In the event, the Chairman of Research Development and Innovation Board of South Sumatera Province, DR. Ekowati Retananingsih SKM., M.Kes explained that the progress of the construction and the ultimate goal achieved from the botanical gardens of sriwijaya south sumatra.

The Sriwijaya Botanical Garden have a vision “Become the leading botanical garden in conservation of medicinal and wetlands plants of Sumatera” and expected to be a Center of research and development, educational and recreational center.


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